Marketing Your First E-Book With No Budget

If you can propose just four or five new article postings each day for just five days per week, you can achieve tremendous success in a course in miracles facebook.

This is a great technique used by authors that have to work a regular job for a living. The authors can create and deliver their proposals by e-mail. They don’t have to make business contacts during working hours. By working just a few hours each night and on weekends, each author can drive thousands of readers to his own web site within just a few months.

Once the article is posted to a web site it will stay in a particular location for a while and then will be “archived” for new subscribers to read later on.

The article will include links back to the author’s web site and will be referenced by major search engines.

This gives you a major boost in popularity.

A great benefit of this type of selling is the fact that no words are spoken. No sales skills are needed.

If the e-book is prices at only $10 per book and each contact for the month sells one book per contact, you will sell over $1000 in volume the very first month of book selling!

You will receive up to 100% of the sales totals based on the arrangements made with the web site owners.

For this example let us assume that you earn $500 clear profit for the first month of selling e-books.

How much did you have to spend in marketing the e-book?


You did not have to make banners, bookmarks or other marketing materials.

You did not have to make a single phone call.

In the second month, if you execute the same marketing strategy, another 100 e-book sellers or book referring web sites will be added to your sales force.

Again, if each e-book publisher only sells one book, you have $500 plus another $500 from the original web sites that are selling or referring your book from their archived web locations.

If you keep up this pace and the book selling web sites are only sending one new book buyer each month, you will keep $39,000 the first year.

If you add a second book, the total could be $78,000 or more.

Also, remember you will receive around 100% of what is selling from your web site.

We are not factoring in you working more than two or three hours per day. We are not factoring in the fact that you can set up an affiliate program like or Barnes & Noble and bring potentially thousands of potential book-sellers to link over to your web site and send you business.

The example is based on each of your web site content contacts. Each of the contacts has your sample chapter or article sending you just one customer each month!

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