The Early Church’s Principles of Church Growth

building of other churches throughout a particular geographical area. This usually happens through church advertising. The last one is Bridging. This is somewhat like the Extension but this focuses more on the the mystical christ in areas with different cultures.

Moreover, aside from the types of growth of the church, there are also ways in doing it. One is the Biological growth. This action includes sending the church members’ children to church. Another one is the Transfer growth. This includes the entire member of a particular church that is being united with the members of the other. Lastly is the Conversion growth. This includes those non-believers which are gathered to be enlightened and recognize the existence of God.

Now let us tackle the principles of church growth in the early churches.

Prayer or Spiritual Warfare

This is unquestionable in church growth matters.

Clear and Incomparable Vision

It is clearly stated in the King James Version of Proverbs 29:18; “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. A church has to have a vision. This is commonly included in the church marketing as people often look for a church which has a good vision.

What is good about a church having a version is that the people will be confident in joining a ministry. Why? Well because they know that the church does a reliable path through its vision.


This is very important for all churches. People often look at the church’s leadership before deciding on what ministry to choose. Church leaders have to be dynamic. This is one of the main foundations why a church grows. This can also be considered as a church advertising element.

Recognition and Giving Importance on the Laity

Every member of the church should be ready to find out what spiritual gift they have and try to use it. Also, they have to be well prepared in assuming any responsibilities given to them.

Use of Proper Techniques and Planning

Even when the church has already established a huge quantity of followers, it does not mean that they will stop doing things to maintain its integrity. Planning is very much necessary to grow the charge bigger. Strategies and planning has a huge impact on the church marketing.

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