When To Adjust The Size Of Your Sports Bets

When it come to sports Bet88 Asia, money management can be a constant hassle for many bettors. It can be extremely difficult for sports bettors to obtain the self-control necessary for good money management. It also can be very hard to figure out how much money you should be putting on each games – especially if you don’t employ specific criteria that could shape the size of your bet.

While the size of your bet should be your personal decision, there are some general circumstances where it is prudent to either increase or decrease the size of your bet so that you don’t run into trouble later on. Below is a list of four of each type of situation:

1) When you are betting a very small and irrelevant amount of your bankroll – Most money management methods advocates that you bet a small fraction of your bankroll on a given game – usually something around one and four percent of your bankroll. If you never took the time to adjust the size of your bet in a long time but still have been winning consistently, then you will quickly realize that you are now betting less per percentage of your bankroll .

Possibly well less than the threshold of one percentage of your bankroll. It is crucial to understand that your bankroll is solely designed to provide you with the security against tough losing streaks that could drain all your cash in a short span of time. But if the size of your bets are too small, then you won’t effectively leverage your resource which could mean you’d be making much less than expected.

2) When you are betting so little you don’t care – If your bet size is so small that losing doesn’t bother you, then it could be hard for you to focus on the handicapping side of your betting strategy which would allow you to make reliable and good decisions. If money is something that motivates you as a bettor then betting too little could actually make you a less effective bettor since your profit won’t be large enough to excite you.

3 ) When your betting is going well but still can’t meet your profit goal. A large percentage of bettors does very well in setting goals for themselves when it comes to betting on sports. If your winning rate is solid while still not able to meet your income goal, then it may be time for you to re-assess your bet size.

Because of your consistent winning rate, going ahead and boosting your unit size would make perfect sense since the risk of suffering a large lost of money would be minimum at best. Your new increased betting size alongside your continuous solid win rate should get you past your earning goal you had previously set for yourself.

4) When you have a winning rate that is persistently larger than your prediction – The assessment of your initial unit size would cause you to take into account things like bankroll size, goals and the amount of cash you expect to win. By trying to estimate your future win percentage, you should be able to work backwards to find the perfect bet size for you. Winning at an unexpected rate is a dream come true for most bettors and it would surely justify a much larger bet size so that you could boost your profit beyond initial expectation.

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